News & Updates


Water Treatment Bidding In Progress

Due to delays in getting State approval, bids for the water treatment project expired before the PIWD was able to award the contract. As the PIWD now has the required State approvals, the project is out to bid again. The PIWD hopes to receive and review bids prior to its next regular meeting in January 2025. Questions may be directed to the PIWD, or H2Olson Engineering.


Hearing For Calendar Year 2025 Rates

The Prudence Island Water District will hold its annual rate hearing on Saturday, November 16, at 11am, at Hope Brown Center. The Board is considering an increase from $775 per connection per year, to $790 per connection per year for calendar year 2025. The Board proposes leaving tax rates unchanged, as the District’s debt is unchanged and property values have not been revalued since rates were set.


RIDOH Press Release: Public Notice of Intent to Issue a Finding of No Significant Impact to Prudence Island Water District

Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is seeking public comment on its intent to issue a Finding of No Significant Impact.

RIDOH has reviewed Prudence Island Water District’s Environmental Assessment for its proposed water system improvements project. The proposed water system improvements project includes the installation of chlorine disinfection 4-log treatment systems at the Indian Springs and Army Camp well sites as well as the addition of an iron and manganese removal pre-treatment system at the Indian Springs well site. The project will take place on Homestead Avenue and on Army Camp Road on Prudence Island in Portsmouth, Rhode Island.

It has been determined that the direct and indirect environmental impacts associated with the project are minimal and that the project, with all proposed mitigation, will not have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, RIDOH is hereby giving notice of intent to issue a Finding of No Significant Impact for the proposed project pursuant to the requirements and authority set forth in Chapter 46-12.8 of the General Laws of Rhode Island and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund regulations (216-RICR-50-05-6).

A copy of the proposed Finding of No Significant Impact can be obtained by calling RIDOH’s Center for Drinking Water Quality at 401-222-6867 weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or by emailing [email protected]. All material submitted for review is available for public inspection weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at RIDOH, Center for Drinking Water Quality, Three Capitol Hill, Room 209, Providence, RI 02908.

Written comments should be sent to RIDOH’s Center for Drinking Water Quality at the address above or emailed to [email protected] within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice.

A public hearing to hear or otherwise receive comments on the proposed intent to issue a Finding of No Significant Impact will be held if RIDOH receives such a request by twenty-five (25) persons, or by a governmental agency, or by an association having not less than twenty-five (25) members, within ten (10) days of published notice. If a public hearing is held, it will be open to the public, recorded, and held at least five (5) days before the end of the public-comment period. A hearing will not be held earlier than ten (10) days after notice of its location, date, and time published. A request for a public hearing should be sent to RIDOH’s Center for Drinking Water Quality at the address above or emailed to [email protected]. Notice should be taken that if RIDOH receives a request(s) as provided above on or before 4:30 p.m., June 30, 2024, a public hearing will be held at the following time and place:

July 9, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. RIDOH Auditorium Three Capitol Hill Providence, Rhode Island 02908

Interested persons should contact RIDOH to confirm if a hearing will be held at the time and location noted above.

The location of the public hearing will be accessible to the handicapped. Interpreter services for people with hearing impairment and audiotapes for people with vision impairment will be made available. RIDOH is handicap accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Please call RIDOH’s Center for Drinking Water Quality at 401-222-6867 for further information. For individuals requesting communication assistance, call Rhode Island Relay (TTY) at 711 or 800-745-5555 at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance.

Related links


PIWD Part-Time Seasonal Laborer

The Prudence Island Water District is seeking a dedicated and hardworking individual to join our team as a Seasonal Laborer. This role is crucial in assisting with the maintenance and operation of water supply systems and infrastructure to ensure the provision of safe and reliable water services to our rural community. The position is temporary and will coincide with our peak operational period, typically spanning from May to November.


2023 Annual Report

The 2023 Annual Report is now available.


Request For Proposals – Broadway Emergency Generator

The Prudence Island Water District is seeking quotes to install an automatic emergency backup generator at our Broadway booster station.


Invitation To Bid On Line Replacement Project

The Prudence Island Water District (PIWD) is seeking sealed Bids for a distribution line replacement project. In general and without limitation, the work to be done under this contract includes the replacement of ductile iron and HDPE laterals with service connections and site restoration.

For details, see the bid invitation.


Rate Hearing for Calendar Year 2024

At its September 16, 2023 meeting, the PIWD Board proposed the following rates for 2024:

  • The water service rate proposed is $775 per connection, annually, up 3.3% from 2023’s rate of $750/connection. This is an additional $12.50 per semi-annual bill.
  • The proposed tax rate is $.59 per $1000 of assessed property value, down from 2023’s rate of $.76/$1000. This reduced rate is expected to result in revenue substantially similar to that collected in 2023, taking into account the revaluation performed by Portsmouth.

No other changes to PIWDs rates or fees were proposed.

PIWD’s proposed 2024 budget will be available later this month.